Spring Plant Sale

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 9:00 AM - Friday, May 19, 2023 5:00 PM (CDT)


Spring Plant Sale in May! Kick off the growing season by adding some new perennials to your garden spaces! Your plant sale purchase helps support the Gardens! Ordering Members Only Ordering: Tuesday, May 2nd at 9:00 am through Friday, May 19th (Check your email on Tuesday for the link!) Public Ordering Opens: Friday, May 5th Ordering Ends: Friday, May 19th (or until sold out) All orders must be placed online prior to pickup Plant Sale Pickup: Wednesday, May 31st from 5:00-7:00 pm at the Gardens (1800 N 1st Ave) Plant Descriptions Plants are from local nurseries All plants are Cold Hardy to Zone 4 Clean plant stock that is free of disease and insects No warranties on plants Additional Items Available This year you will have the opportunity to pre-order some types of aged soil, compost, and mulch along with your plants. These items are listed with our available plant varieties. There also will be limited quantities of pop-up sale items available for purchase during plant pickup on May 31st. These include items like fertilizers, repellents, and work castings. Please bring additional payment if you are interested in any of these extra supplies. Thank You to Our Partners! https://givebutter.com/springplantsale23
Monk Botanical Gardens
1800 N 1st Ave
Wausau, WI 54401 United States
Event Contact
Kaytie Ruesch
Send Email
Tuesday, May 2, 2023 9:00 AM - Friday, May 19, 2023 5:00 PM (CDT)
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