Choose your ad size:
- Single ad: 240 W x 120 H - $100 (When registering for the single ad, select the ad quantity of one).
- Double ad: 480 W x 120 H - $150 - SAVE $50! (When registering for the double ad, select the ad quantity of two and then enter the promo code DOUBLE to receive the discount).
- Takeover (four positions) ad: 480 W x 240 H - $250 - SAVE $150! (When registering for the takeover ad size, select the ad quantity of four and then enter the promo code TAKEOVER4 to receive the discount).
- Takeover (six positions) ad: 480 W x 360 H - $350 - SAVE $250! (When registering for the takeover ad size, select the ad quantity of six and then enter the promo code TAKEOVER6 to receive the discount).
All prices include applicable sales tax.
Cancellation & Refund Policy
Greater Wausau Chamber of Commerce
Monday, September 11, 2023