Chamber Printed Community Calendar - 2024
Chamber Printed Community Calendar - 2024
9/20/2023 - 11/22/2023
The Chamber's annual printed community calendar is full of great local photography, calendar entries for the biggest events in the region, quotes from local individuals, useful weather information and more.
The calendar will be distributed in the December 2023* Chamber Pak to 1,600 member investors. Copies of the calendar will be available for sale for $5 at the Chamber office beginning in November 2023.
Available on a first-come, first-served basis.
*Distribution date subject to change with or without notice.
Choose your sponsorship/advertising opportunity:
Month Sponsorship - $600 per month
- Includes logo, contact information and brief testimonial
- Includes option for one coupon to be included on the back of calendar
- 20 complimentary copies (additional copies can be purchased at a discounted rate)
Preferred month should be indicated at the time of registration.
Enhanced Event Listing - $75 per calendar day
- Limited to one event per calendar day
- Includes custom design for event (with member's logo) placed on the event's date(s)
- Ideal enhanced listings are events which:
- Are community focused (e.g. fairs, concerts, community events, runs/walks)
- Have a large volume of participation from the community
- Events such as special sales are not permitted
Preferred date(s) should be indicated at the time of registration. To view an example of an enhanced event listing, click here.
All prices include applicable sales tax.
200 Washington St Ste 120
Wausau, WI 54403 United States