American Legion Montgomery-Plant-Dudley Post 10

American Legion Montgomery-Plant-Dudley Post 10
►Accepts Chamber Gift Certificates ○Non-Profits
Welcome to the Wausau American Legion, Montgomery-Plant-Dudley Post 10 website. We believe that you will find our site to be an informative tool, assisting you to discover more about Post 10 activities and events. And, all of this is wrapped around the American Legion mission “to assist our fellow veterans, our servicemen and women and their families”.
Our calendar lists the numerous activities our Post hosts or participates with other veteran organizations. Also, our activities with Legion Baseball, Honor Guard, Scouting, Scholarships, and more are found on our calendar too.
If you are a veteran who has served any dates honorably from December 7, 1941 to today, you are eligible for membership in the American Legion. We invite you to join us on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Bunkers for a brief social hour followed by our monthly Membership meeting. Please review the "Why Join" button if in doubt about joining. You will be joining the largest veteran's service organization in the world... the American Legion. We look forward to hear from you soon.
Please contact us if we can help with any question or veteran services that you many need. We are truly an organization of “veterans serving veterans”.
Membership Type